Windows Features

Enable HTTP Activation in Windows 11?

Integrate with IIS, WAS, and WCF Services

Enable HTTP Activation in Windows 11: This feature in Windows 11 allows Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) to activate applications using HTTP protocols. It is particularly relevant for applications that are hosted in Internet Information Services (IIS) and utilize Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services. It is listed under the .NET Framework in Windows features because it is part of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services, which are components of the .NET Framework. This guide will walk you through the steps of How to Enable HTTP Activation in Windows using simple and straightforward steps.

Recommended: Create Screen Recorder Shortcut For Windows 11

  • Open the Run command box using the shortcut Win Key + R.
  • Enter optionalfeatures in the run command box.
    Optional Features
    Optional Features
  • Windows Features dialog box will open now.
  • Locate .NET Framework 4.8 Advanced Services and expand it.
    DOT NET 4.8 Advanced Services
    DOT NET 4.8 Advanced Services
  • You can find WCF Services. Click on the plus sign next to it to expand it.
    WCF Services
    WCF Services
  • Now, you can find the HTTP Activation service. Click on the checkbox next to it, and click OK.
    Enable HTTP Activation in Windows 11
    Enable HTTP Activation in Windows 11
  • That is it, Windows 11 will now search for the required files.
    Searching for the required files
    Searching for the required files
  • Then, it will apply the necessary changes.
    Applying Changes
    Applying Changes
  • Click Restart if you are prompted to restart or click Close accordingly. However, it is suggested to restart right away so that the changes made will reflect.
  • HTTP Activation Feature is now enabled on your Windows 11 PC.

Integration with other Features:Benefits of HTTP Activation in Windows 11

Integration with Internet Information Services(IIS): HTTP Activation is closely integrated with IIS, allowing applications to be activated and managed through the web server.

Windows Process Activation Service (WAS): WAS manages application pools and worker processes in IIS. With HTTP Activation, WAS can use HTTP protocols to start applications dynamically as requests are received.

WCF Services: WCF is a framework for building service-oriented applications. HTTP Activation enables WCF services to be hosted and accessed via HTTP, providing a flexible and widely compatible way to communicate with these services.

HTTP Activation in Windows 11 paves the way for the Dynamic Activation of applications, allowing for better scalability and interoperability.

Take away:

HTTP Activation in Windows 11 allows applications to dynamically respond to requests, improving resource management and ensuring efficient communication over HTTP protocols. This feature is essential for Developers and IT professionals looking to enhance their service-oriented applications within IIS. Happy Coding! Peace out!

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Vigneshwaran Vijayakumar

Hello, I'm Vigneshwaran, the founder, owner, and author of WinSides.Com. With nearly a decade of experience in blogging across various domains and specializing in Windows-related tutorials for over five years, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to WinSides.Com

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