Windows 11

How to Change Mouse Pointer Style on Windows 11?

Customize your Mouse Pointer Style as per your preferences

Change Mouse Pointer Style on Windows 11: The first computer mouse was invented in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart at the Stanford Research Institute. However, it was commercially popularized by Apple when they Integrated it with Lisa and Macintosh Computers during the early 1980s. The invention of the mouse revolutionized the way people interact with computers. In this article, we will check out How to customize Mouse Pointer Style on Windows 11, from Mouse Pointer Color, to Cursor Size, and more. Let’s get started. Check out: Change your Mouse Pointer Speed on Windows 11

Read This: Adjust Mouse Pointer Speed In Windows 11

1. Customize your Mouse Pointer Style on Windows 11 – Simple Steps

There are two significant ways to access and customize your Mouse Pointer Settings on Windows 11. You can use the Windows Settings, or for more customization options, you can use the Mouse Properties. Here, we will discuss both methods in detail.

More Precisied Control over Mouse Pointer Customization using the Mouse Properties

This method is preferred as it provides deep customization. You can choose between various Mouse Pointer Scheme, Click Lock, Double-click Speed, Pointer Trails, Vertical Scrolling, Horizontal Scrolling, Hardware Information, etc. Hence, this is the complete package, you can customize all the Mouse Properties here.

To Access Mouse Properties on Windows 11, you can either use the Run or Command Prompt or PowerShell. You can also use the Control Panel to access it, however, in my experience, using the Run Command is handy.

  • Go to the Run Command using the key combination WinKey + R.
  • In the Run, execute the following command. control mouse
Execute the command control mouse in the Run
Execute the command control mouse in the Run
  • This Command will open Mouse Properties directly. Kindly note this will open the default mouse properties.
  • Mouse Properties will open now. Here, you can find various Tabs with different options. The Tabs include Buttons, Pointers, Pointer Options, Wheel, and Hardware. Let’s explore each tab in detail.

Buttons Tab in Mouse Properties

Various Functionalities on the Buttons Tab
Various Functionalities on the Buttons Tab

In Buttons Tab, you can find various options such as ClickLock, Double-click Speed, and Button Configuration.

  • Under Button Configuration, you can switch primary and secondary button. You can just enable the checkbox to make the button on the right the one you use for primary functions such as selecting and dragging.
  • Double-click Speed uses a slider to adjust between the Fast and the Slow Setting. You can use the Folder Preview to test the Speed Testing.
  • Next, it is the ClickLock. This options allows you to highlight or drag without holding down the mouse button.

Personalize your Pointers using the Pointers Tab in the Mouse Pointers

We will move to the Next Tab, the Mouse Pointers Style on Windows 11. Here, you can find various customizations such as Scheme, and Pointer Shadow.

Under Scheme, you can dropdown the list, here you can find various Mouse Pointers Scheme Set. The Schemes incude Magnified, Windows Black (Large & Extra Large), Windows Default (Large & Extra Large), Windows Inverted (Large & Extra Large), and Windows Standard (Large & Extra Large). These schemes contains a set of styles for various operations like Normal Select, Help Select, Working in Background, Busy, Precision Select, Diagonal Resize, etc.

Choose your desired Mouse Pointer Scheme
Choose your desired Mouse Pointer Scheme
  • The Good News is that you can choose your preferred scheme and if you want to customize several operations style, then it is possible here.
  • For explanation, I chose Windows Standard (Large). I like this, However, Working in Background could have been better, so I am deciding the change this particular operation style of Windows Standard (Large).
Changing the Working In Background Style
Changing the Working In Background Style
  • To do so, simply double-click on that operation, you will get a lot of cursor styles. Choose the desired one and click Open. I am selecting aero_busy as it is an Animated cursor which is optimal for Working in Background process.
Choose the desired operation style
Choose the desired operation style
  • Now, the Working in Background Cursor will be changed. Click Apply.
  • That’s it. From now one, whenever the Working in Backgroun operation works, the cursor that you chose will be displayed instead of the default one fo the Windows Standard Style.
Cursor Style Changed
Cursor Style Changed

Adjust Pointer Options on Windows 11

Various Customizations on Mouse Pointer Options
Various Customizations on Mouse Pointer Options

We will move to the next tab, the Pointer Options. Here, you can adjust various Pointer parameters like Pointer Speed, Display Pointer Trails, Show Location of pointer when I press CTRL Key, Automatically move points to the default button in the dialog box, etc.

Wheels Tab – Adjust your Scrolling Precision

Adjust Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling
Adjust Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling

In Wheels tab, you can adjust the Horizontal and Vertical Scrolling for Mouse Pointer Wheel. Vertical Scrolling is a very common option which is found in almost all the modern mice, and it help moves contents up and down. On the other hand, Horizontal Scrolling is available in certain advanced mice and it help scroll left and right.

Finally, the Hardware Tab

Hardware Information
Hardware Information

Hardware Information provides information about the Device Properties such as Manufacturer, Device Status, etc. Click Properties for more information.

2. Adjust Mouse Pointer Style using Windows Settings – Simple & Effective

While the above method gives more control over the Mouse Properties, this method gives more effective customizations for normal day-to-day users. The following are the steps.

  • Open Windows Settings using the keyboard combination WinKey + I.
  • On the left pane, click on Accessibility.
Click Accessibility
Click Accessibility
  • under Vision, you can find Mouse Pointer and Touch. Click on that.
Select Mouse Pointer and Touch
Select Mouse Pointer and Touch
  • Here, you can change your Mouse Pointer Style, Mouse Pointer Color, and more.

Change Mouse Pointer Style using Windows Settings

Once you open Mouse Pointer and Touch, you can find the option “Change Mouse Pointer Style“. Here, you can find White, Black, Inverted, and Custom Styles. Choose your desired Mouse Pointer Style on Windows 11.

Choose your desired Mouse Pointer Style
Choose your desired Mouse Pointer Style

Change Mouse Pointer Color on Windows 11

If you want to choose a different Mouse Pointer Color, then kindly follow the below steps.

  • Under Mouse Pointer Style, click on Custom, The system will show Recommended Colors. If you want to get more colors, click Choose another Color.
Choose Mouse Pointer Color
Choose Mouse Pointer Color
  • I am choosing the green and mix yellow as it gives a vintage look to the mouse pointer and I like it well.

Adjust Mouse Pointer Size using the Slider on Windows 11

You can adjust your Mouse Pointer Size by adjusting the Slider in the Mouse Pointer & Touch option.

Adjusting Mouse Pointer Size
Adjusting Mouse Pointer Size

Take Away

We hope we made this article simple and easy to understand adjusting and customizing Mouse Pointer Style on Windows 11. If you have any queries, Kindly let us know in the comment section. For more interesting articles, stay tuned to Happy Customizing! Peace out!

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Vigneshwaran Vijayakumar

Hello, I'm Vigneshwaran, the founder, owner, and author of WinSides.Com. With nearly a decade of experience in blogging across various domains and specializing in Windows-related tutorials for over five years, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to WinSides.Com

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