
How to Enable Dynamic Lock on Windows 11?

Secure your Windows 11 by automatically lock your device when you are away

Dynamic Lock on Windows 11: Windows offers different security measures for logging into your Windows 11 Account. The different ways of sign-in includes Facial Recognition, Fingerprint Recognition, PIN, and Physical Security Key. All of these sign-in options are highly secure and once you are signed in, then the Windows 11 will be open until you turn it off manually or when the system goes to sleep. That’s where Dynamic Lock is advantageous. By Enabling Dynamic Lock on Windows 11, depending on the user proximity, the system will automatically lock the user if he is not near the device. Quite Interesting Right? Let’s check out how it works. Let’s get Started.

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How Dynamic Lock Works on Windows 11 OS?

Dynamic Lock allows Windows 11 to automatically lock your device when you are away. Nowadays, we almost carry our Smartphone or wear our wearables almost all the time. Firstly, Windows 11 connects to these Smartphone or Wearable via the Bluetooth, Once connected, Windows 11 will be able to recognize user’s proximity using the Bluetooth. When the user is away from the computer, the system will recognize that the user is away using the Bluetooth, and locks it automatically.

Though other sign-in options are highly secure, Dynamic Lock has a silver lining by locking the system almost immediately when the user is out of the proximity.


Before enabling Dynamic Lock on Windows 11, there are some prerequisites.

  1. Bluetooth must be enabled on your Windows 11 PC or Laptop.
  2. A Paired Bluetooth Device. A Smartphone (both Android & iPhone) is recommended, however, any Bluetooth Device that remain connected can work.

Processes involved in Activating Dynamic Lock on Windows 11

The following are the processes involved in activating Dynamic Lock on Windows 11.

  1. Connecting your Smartphone and Windows 11 PC or Laptop via Bluetooth.
  2. Enable Dynamic Lock on Windows 11.

#1. Connect your Smartphone & Windows 11 PC using the Bluetooth

In this section, we will check out how to connect a Smartphone to the Windows 11 PC. I am using Android, the iPhone steps are also the same.

  • Enable Bluetooth on Windows 11 if it is not enabled. To check whether it is enabled or not, use the Keyboard Shortcut WinKey + A. This will open Quick Settings Panel.
Check Bluetooth Status on Windows 11
Check Bluetooth Status on Windows 11
  • In the Quick Settings Panel, you can find the Bluetooth Status. Make sure it is enabled.
  • Next, open Windows Settings using the Shortcut WinKey + I. From the left pane, click Bluetooth & Devices.
Bluetooth & Devices
Bluetooth & Devices
  • Click Add Device.
Click Add Device
Click Add Device
  • Select Bluetooth. You can use this option to connect Audio Devices, Mice, Keyboards, Phones, Pens, Controllers, and more.
Select Bluetooth
Select Bluetooth
  • Complete the Pairing process.
Add your Bluetooth Device
Add your Bluetooth Device
  • Pair your Smartphone. Once, the connection is successful, we can move to the next section.
Device connected via Bluetooth Successfully
Device connected via Bluetooth Successfully

Note: If your device is already connected to your Windows 11, you can skip this section, and move to the next section.

#2. Turn on Dynamic Lock on Windows 11

  • On the Windows Settings, click on Accounts from the Left Pane.
  • Under Account Settings, click on Sign-in options.
Select Sign-in options
Select Sign-in options
  • You can find Dynamic Lock under Additional Settings. Expand it.
Expand Dynamic Lock
Expand Dynamic Lock
  • Enable the checkbox “Allow Windows to automatically lock your device when you are away“. The system will enable Dynamic Lock on Windows 11, and the status shows that the Computer and the Smart Phone is connected.
Enable the checkbox
Enable the checkbox
  • That’s it. The Dynamic Lock is now activated on your Windows 11 System. From now on, whenever you are away from your device, Windows will automatically lock your device.

Limitations of Dynamic Lock on Windows 11

Though this feature is highly useful, it has a few limitations.

  • The locking will not be instanteneous. There will be a short delay when you move away.
  • Bluetooth should be on on both Windows 11 & your Smartphone all the time.
  • If the Bluetooth connection disconnects randomly, then your PC might lock even when you are nearby.
  • Though it automatically locks your PC when you are away, when you come into the range, the system will not unlock your PC automatically. The Sign-in has to be done manually.

Take Away

Dynamic Lock on Windows 11 has its own Advantages and Limitations, and users can choose between enabling or disabling Dynamic Lock as per their requirements and convenience. The above article provides detailed information on How to Enable Dynamic Lock on Windows 11, and if you have any queries, kindly let us know in the Comment Section. For more interesting articles, stay tuned to Happy Computing! Peace out!

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Vigneshwaran Vijayakumar

Hello, I'm Vigneshwaran, the founder, owner, and author of WinSides.Com. With nearly a decade of experience in blogging across various domains and specializing in Windows-related tutorials for over five years, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to WinSides.Com

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